Pete's Market Donation Request Application

Please complete all fields for consideration.

Please offer a brief explanation of what your organization does.
What has your organization achieved in the last year, and what was its impact on the community? (i.e., fed 4,000 people, delivered fruit to over 70 senior residents)
Only events that directly benefit Pete’s Fresh Market community residents will be considered.
How many people do you expect to attend your event?
How many miles is your event from the nearest Pete's Fresh Market?
Has your organization received a donation from Pete’s in the past?
Reason why Pete’s Fresh Market is a good fit for your cause.
You are applying for a donation, not a sponsorship. Typically, we donate grocery items from our stores. Please list the items and quantities your organization is requesting.
Will our logo be displayed? Will we be mentioned in any publications or announcements?
Organization’s 501(c) 3 tax identification number
*Applications will not be considered without a current IRS tax exempt letter
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